M+K controls showing while using a controller via /r/FORTnITE

M+K controls showing while using a controller

When in the middle of a mission, my baby cousin came in and touched my mouse (in this case), other times I dropped my controller while typing in text chat. When this happens the bug lasts for the rest of the game. I sent feedback in game multiple times but epic doesn't seem to have heard about it
– Edit Mode Aim Assist doesn't work
– Can't equip weapons
– Can't use abilities (Dragon Slash, Throwing Stars, etc.), but gadgets such as Stationary Hover Turrets and Adrenaline Rush work.
– M+K keybinds showing on screen
https://imgur.com/ZvkPDfQ (Screenshot, with gamepadviewer to show controller input)

Submitted April 20, 2019 at 07:55AM by hugefortnitenoob
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/bf9ijx/mk_controls_showing_while_using_a_controller/?utm_source=ifttt

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