Current State of Fortnite via /r/FortNiteBR

Current State of Fortnite

Third-person building simulator+shotgun action was not the reason I got into this game in the first place.

Fortnite has always had a lot of interesting items and mechanics that have changed as the seasons have passed. I applaud Epic that they’ve been willing to take chances by putting things in the game that may alienate some, like the game-wide glider redeploy in Season 6 and the 50hp/shield pool on kill currently in now.

Maybe I’m a vocal minority on this sub, but I genuinely liked (most) of the items that Epic added into the game. I liked boomboxes, C4, planes (and while not the greatest idea, chiller traps were fun for a bit before this sub complained about them into oblivion).

I’ve been playing since season 3 and have about 100 total wins at this point and you know what? I genuinely liked the items Epic added, and that they provided a counter to building. That doesn’t seem to be a popular opinion on this sub, but I will stick by it.

Fortnite right now really seems to be not the zany and fun game it used to be and devolved into a shotgun build battle simulator every. single. fight. Ar’s are so rare to find now, deagle nerfed, planes vaulted and rpgs in supply crates only that building is the strongest it’s ever been in this game.

This game is losing casual players fast. I’m not sure what direction Epic wants to take the game in, but right now it definitely seems like they are more e-sports focused on providing the greatest boon to pro-players and disregarding casual ones.

Battle-Royales are supposed to be random and fun. The RNG element is central to every game, and I know this goes against the e- sports mantra, but Fortnite is rapidly becoming more and more of a skill based building/shooting game then a true Battle Royale when it first launched.

The siphon hp/shield kills and the nerf/vaults of all the previously mentioned items have astronomically sky rocketed the skill level in this game around building. I’m hoping we can get a return to form soon.

tl;dr: Epic has removed almost every counter to building so the game is shotgun build battle simulator with very little incentive to deviate from the meta, leading to large build battles/high skill ceiling this game hasn’t seen before.

Submitted March 06, 2019 at 04:36AM by Tony_Danza_the_boss
via reddit

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